Friday, June 17 2016, 04:20:10
  • fatasstic
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  • She Says

Komal Panwar


Maharashtra Govt. Favors Lifting The Ban Of Women From Entering ‘Haji Ali’ Shrine

  • JWB Post
  •  February 10, 2016


The ban on women from entering ‘Haji Ali’ shrine has been doing the internet rounds for quite some time. Maharashtra Government has been quick with a positive response. 

They stand by lifting the ban on the entry of women unless the controlling authority proves that the measure has been put in place as a part of its religious practice concerning the Quran.

The Durgah board countered with a statement that women have been barred from entering since it houses the tomb of a male saint. Apparently, it is sinful for a woman to touch a male saint or his tomb in Islam.

Petitioner Raju More argued that no one was buried in the tomb. “I also gave the court a printout of what is officially mentioned on the Haji Ali’s website in support of my argument,”

Both sides have been given two weeks to present proofs to support their argument.


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