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Ruchika Beri

Tarot Reader

Our Tarot Reader, Ruchika Beri, Predicts Your Love & Career For Next Week

  • JWB Post
  •  August 27, 2016


Say hello to the new week, new positivity, new opportunities, and new hopes.  Isn’t it amazing to plan these seven days like we can throw the colors on a new canvas? Let’s begin with the fire sign Aries. 

ARIES: This week is all about the closures, especially the ones from the past. Any form of closure, be it personal, or professional, you should go for it. Else the same may bother you later. People who have been stuck, thinking about the past- move on post learning the lessons. Life may throw a situation for you in which you may have to face somebody from the past (professionally). Don’t let your past hold you a hostage. Committed people, if you haven’t got the change to bury the hatchet with your ex, do yourself a favor and do it right away.


TAURUS: This sign always manages to surprise me with their dedication and perseverance. Give your ideas the wings to fly, your ideas and avenues have the potential to grow and bring financial results, too. So, what are you waiting for? Go for it. It’s time to apply the knowledge practically. Stability in any form is just a door away. If required, take a day off to clear your head and plan the way ahead. Students may get the opportunity to work on a project or travel to expand their learning.

GEMINI: Well, be ready to meet up new people and yes interesting people who can stir you emotionally. It’s time to be part of group work (professionally, educationally) to speed up your Turn-around Time. Some of you may also enroll for classes. If you have been thinking to re-energize then have some Boketto moments near beach side. Indulge in music to calm your nerves down. And for people who are in loooooove, pamper your partner, express your feelings. Just spend more time with your mate.

CANCER: O-buoy!! Don’t drown in the sea of burden and unwanted pressure created by somebody. This week you would be loaded with too much not just professionally but personally too (something will bother you). You may feel like it’s a lonely path but, but in the end, the choice is ours to change the story. Take extra care of your health this week; there is a possibility of you incurring back ache or pain in the joints.

LEO: Time to rejoice and celebrate this week J should I also jump in? Rise from your own confidence and positive attitude. If you had been thinking that things aren’t moving forward, or this isn’t interesting, don’t worry, the end will be great. Some of you would be bubbling with new ideas and bidding adieu to old habits that are no longer doing justice. Wear some happy colors and add a dash of your confidence to rule this week.

VIRGO: Love is in the air O my-my <3, all I am seeing is a lot of happiness, flow of emotions, long walks and pampering session. It is not just restricted to your companion; single peeps go for some self-indulgence pampering sessions.  Time to be vocal about your feelings if you like somebody and take your relationship a notch above. Committed folks would be craving to spend some more time with their partner. You never know if a proposal is in the pipeline. Professionally, you would be in a happy space.

LIBRA: The only thing that’s coming between your success and you is the attitude or the ego.  Be more flexible with the approach and open to changes and a new perspective. Pick and choose your battles wisely, your dominant or submissive nature can prevent you to move ahead in life. Peeps who are in a relationship, go easy and slow. Don’t let your arrogance take over and ruin the chances. Be cautious of people who envy you.

SCORPIO: O-buoy!! Your over thinking nature can put you off. The constant mood swings and lack of clarity would irk you up. Tap in your wild side for good, be more vocal with your agendas and objectives to avoid any ambiguity. Some of you may have a tough time dealing with a loved one; the only way is to maintain your calm and cool. Focus more on cooperation rather competing.  Most of the troubles are in your head, go deep within and seek answers.

SAGITTARIUS: Moving away as an escape mechanism will provide some peace for the short term but not long term. Focus more on shedding negativity, negative situations, and people. Some of you would be making a physical transition, to clear your head. How about taking a break and greeting the hills ;). In nutshell move out of your comfort zone to chase your passion. You can also embark a new spiritual journey by the spring cleaning (not literally) but negativity and people who don’t align with the growth.

CAPRICORN: Your positive attitude has been one of the major reasons you have achieved or reached a certain level. Up your game by maintaining this spirit! Your efforts are being seen by the higher force, and the same is paving your way. Strike a balance with your practical and your feelings. Then there is no stopping, make a wish or manifest with a good intent and it would happen. That tiny voice inside you is your guiding force, listen to it.

AQUARIUS: Mourning over the disappointments and the loss will not take you anywhere, there is always dawn after darkness. There is always hope that prevails with a new day, focus on what you have and what is about to come. Come out of your shell and see the positive aspect of life. The glass is still the half full; you just have to see from a different angle. Women who have some menstrual cycle related issues, keep a check on it.

PISCES: Hey, little fighter, don’t jump the gun. Test the water, be a little patient before you make the move. Have a clear purpose and the objective and then chalk out your way. Life is all about the balance, yin-yang, your feminine and masculine side and most important the decisions we make from the head and at times our heart. You may be juggling a lot (not work wise only) but when you have to make a choice, with a calm mind, only take a call.

Ruchika Beri/Listening Hermit (Tarot Card & Coffee Cup Reader, Reiki One Level Channel)
Want to know your future, visit Ruchika Beri of Tarot Encounters, or call her at +919987421088
Illustrations by Emily Forgot

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