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  • She Says

Cyrus Edwin

JWB Intern

See How Shalini Gives Up Her Career To Follow The Higher Calling

  • JWB Post
  •  October 27, 2016


Never did I imagine that I am going to interview a lady that has taught me the most in life. Sitting in front of me was my Bua (Aunt). She is my family, my friend, my mentor and after taking this interview, a person whom I can live my life by looking up to.

Shalini Edwin left her successful career in finance to achieve peace in life and now she is working day and night, helping others pursue happiness.  

I know that your childhood has been like a roller coaster ride, so tell me about it.

When I was at school, in 6th standard, my dad passed away, and my mother had died when I was even smaller. We were three siblings, one brother, and two sisters; the elder one got married, and then there were just me and my brother remaining in the house. Since we didn’t have anybody to earn food for us, my brother, who was in the 9th class, started working as a phone operator in a Hotel. He took the plunge to earn for the house, for my school fees and for me. This was the journey that I can never forget.

I remember I used to barely sleep at night, and even if I slept I used to wake up suddenly in the night, and there was nobody to comfort me. At times my brother was by me, but he mainly had night shifts. I had to sleep alone in the house.

When did you start earning for yourself?

After completing my school and college, which was only possible with the help of my brother, I started working in a motor company.

When was the first time you stood up for yourself?

There was this guy in my office that used to pull my leg every single time. Having gathered up the courage, I went to my boss and started crying. Already there was so much happening in my life and then at the office, this guy really troubled me. After having complained about the guy, I knew he had a hard time from the boss *laughs*

How was your career? And why did you leave it?

I was rising fast. I was awarded the Rising Star of North in a big corporate finance company. I was able to complete my 200% target whereas other people couldn’t even do 50%.

I left my work because I felt incomplete from the inside. I wanted to know more about my life; I wanted to know the purpose of my existence in this world. I wanted to know about God whom I used to talk to when I was scared. Therefore, I left my job to do a four-month long Bible Course at the Rhema Bible Training Centre, Nagpur.

How different was your life before joining the Rhema Bible Training Center and after?

Having gone through so much in life, I had a perception that, living in this world, one need to think only about himself to survive and not care much about others. But at the training center, I discovered that we all were sent here to help each other. You don’t need to write cheques so as to help someone, even if you go and talk to the needy, they’ll be more than happy. Your love and compassion will speak words.

What all have you contributed to the society?

I have worked with cancer patients, with orphans, old age people and ladies in jail. I would like to quote the Bible here which says, ‘’Man shall not live by bread alone, but by words that come out from the mouth of the Lord.’’ Like I said they just need love and care and when I give them the same, the happiness that they exhibit can be felt from within too.

How was your first experience of talking to the women in jail?

The people are pretty rigid there, they would not talk to me properly, they would stare at me for long. It sure gave me chills, and I was not comfortable at all. It was later that I got a chance to talk to few women there and discovered how similar we were. They too have emotions that hurt.

What stereotype about women inmates would you like to break that the society holds?

The rigidity that they have is just a mask that they have to put on, for having suffered so much in life they are not willing to trust anybody now.

We all have done mistakes, and so have they. It is the isolation that kills them from within.

You have recently returned to the corporate job. Why is that?  

Yes! I have started working again. Reason being if I myself do not earn then how will I get to fulfill the needs of the poor? When I have the ability and the opportunity to work, why not? There are a lot of people at work who are distressed and who are in dire need of counseling. I share with them the happiness and the satisfaction that I have within me. Half of my charity work is done in my office and the rest with poor.

Do you see a disparity between genders in the corporate world?      

I think there is gender disparity till the time you think there is! I never thought of myself to be a ‘woman.’ I thought of myself to be a ‘human being.’ After all the tasks I did was ceiling breaking. People have a stereotype that only boys can go places, talk to customers and oh! the pretty stupid one, calculating numbers, whereas my job included doing all the three tasks mentioned above.

Why did you choose to stay single?

Umm… I mean it wasn’t that I never wanted to. But I was more fascinated in knowing myself first than to know somebody else. And for marriage, you just need one person, who knows about you to the fullest, who takes care of you and with whom you can share all your needs. For all this, I have my family and friends. Also, I have my God with whom I fell in love with when I was small.

Society has lots of disapproval for single women. Have you ever faced it?

People have this misconception that to live on your own terms one has to be a badass, whereas it means to follow your own heart and to follow the calling of your life. One common calling that we all have in our lives is to love one another and help each other.

With so many things said and done, Shalini Edwin now wishes to open an Orphanage and an Old-Aged Home in future, and for that, we wish her all the best!

Photos belong to Shalini.

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