Thursday, November 03 2016, 08:33:04
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  • She Says

‘Shake it off!’ Said Albert Einstein To Marie Curie

  • JWB Post
  •  October 5, 2015

Remember Taylor Swift’s song ‘Shake it off’?

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate…

Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!

I shake it off, I shake it off!

Well, it seems that Albert Einstein too believed in the same lines.  At least that’s the advice that he gave to his friend Marie Curie.

Hey, did you know that trolls existed even 50 years before the internet came into being!  Just like now, then too the favourite target of these bullies used to be women who speak their mind. But it was none other than Albert Einstein, who taught a hell of a lesson to some of these ‘gossip boys’ when they trained their guns on Nobel Prize winning scientist Marie Curie.

Yup, you heard it right! The man who came up with the formula E=MC2 also thought that male=female and was truly way ahead of his time. It happened that Curie was romantically involved with her colleague and another scientist Paul Langevin, who was separated from his wife at that time. But unfortunately, his wife made it look in the media that Curie was the reason behind their separation.

All the bullies who had long kept grudges against Curie (because how can a successful and intelligent woman be allowed to be free in life choices?) grabbed the opportunity with both hands and pounced on Curie. Not even once did the razor sharp intellect or her work in science made them think twice before trying to tarnish her image.

The situation became so bad that once Curie and her two young daughters were surrounded by an angry mob and had to hide to protect themselves. But then,  down comes Albert! Well, what happens when you try to troll the friend of a supergenious scientist?

Einstein not only took on all the people who had criticized Curie but also threw in his weight behind her. In a letter that he wrote to one of the greatest woman scientists of all time, Einstein compared the media to reptiles and rabbles, and told her to just ignore the haters. Not only that, he also urged Curie to keep doing her research and praised her for her intellect and honesty.

Btw, how many men do we see nowadays when a woman is ambushed on the social media by trolls? Perhaps 21st century men could really learn a lesson or two from Mr. Einstein!

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