Tuesday, November 01 2016, 10:38:29
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Thanks To This Boarding School, A Poor Girl Vaishali Is Studying In US Today

  • JWB Post
  •  October 28, 2016


Growing up, Vaishali Dhariwal didn’t really get the luxury of financial stability. Born in a very poor family in Uttar Pradesh, she was one among the 5 million children in India’s largest populated state.

Let alone learning English, there were serious questions that whether her family would be able to provide for even her basic education.

Today, Vaishali is studying at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a bright future ahead of her.

Wondering what did you miss? Well, like many other children such as Vaishali, a wonderful initiative called VidyaGyan changed her life. Run by the Shiv Nadar Foundation, VidyaGyan is currently changing countless lives for good through the hostel cum school that it runs for children.

Every year, the 200 underprivileged children who study in VidyaGyan are selected from over 25,000 applicants. These kids, coming from the families which at times are unimaginably poor and destitute create history each year when they are admitted to educational institutions of high repute throughout the world, once they pass out of VidyaGyan.

All the expenses of their education including the stay in the hostel is fully funded by the foundation, which has become famous worldwide for radically altering the lives of this children and giving them a level playing field at par with a kid from a well-off family.

In this year’s CBSE exams, not a single child from VidyaGyan failed and most of them scored above 80 per cent and later got into reputed institutions such as the St. Stephen’s College in New Delhi.

Vaishali feels that the biggest change that has helped her the most is learning English. Studying in VidyaGyan, Vaishali learnt the language and became fluent in it, the fact that was earlier unheard of for a girl coming from a poor family.

Today, she is inching towards her goal of working with the United Nations courtesy the love and care which she got from her friends and teachers at VidyaGyan.

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