Monday, July 25 2016, 12:26:04
  • fatasstic
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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

These 50 Above Models Are Adorning Bikinis To Make a Valid Point

  • JWB Post
  •  July 19, 2016


‘To get a bikini body, put a bikini on your body and go to the beach.’

JD Williams, a UK-based retailer, recently launched a campaign under the hashtag ‘StyleHasNoAge’ that features women of age 50 and above showcasing a lingerie collection for the older women.

The campaign is initiated to promote body positivity and body-confidence in women and urges women of all ages and sizes to flaunt their bodies in a bikini selfies.

The models, Jilly Johnson, 62, and Nicola Griffin, 56, adorned the bikini swimsuits to make a powerful statement about their sexuality and asked other women to share their bikini selfies with the hashtag #mybikinislefie.

Nicola also shared her photos on her Instagram with this kickass caption.

“Don’t hide: have pride in your curves.”

Don’t hide: have pride in your curves. I challenge @jillyjohnson100 snap a swimsuit photo and tag #MySwimBody & @swimsuitsforall then tag a friend to do it.

A photo posted by Nicola Griffin (@nicolajgriffin) on


Woot, woot!

I believe it’s time we shatter all the barriers and refrain from any body-negativity and body-shaming. Let’s be proud of our bodies and embrace our sexuality. Just remember, age and size no bar.

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  • JWB along with the brand Jewel Saga bring you a selfie contest inspired by the campaign AidToMaid.