Wednesday, June 29 2016, 02:16:11
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  • She Says

This 80-YO-Woman Is Killin’ It By Being The World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder

  • JWB Post
  •  June 23, 2016


We dawdle. We procrastinate. We sometimes even give up. But the woman we are about to mention has laudatory accomplishments up her sleeve.

Ernestine Shepherd. She just turned 80 and is the world’s oldest female bodybuilder.

Talk about women making the world a more fabulous place and you can name this woman firsthand from the top of your head.

The most astonishing part of her life is that she did not start her training until she was 56 years old.

I know! I had to read the text twice, too!

She has already secured two bodybuilding titles and was also declared the oldest competitive bodybuilder by Guinness Book Of World Records.

This woman is seriously giving me some Inspirational Goals. Maybe, taking up body building when you are around 50 could be lucrative. Hmm.

But what is this woman made up of? Are her cells makeup of steel or has God bestowed the genes of Superwoman inside her every bone?

Well, no.

We’d like to think that but no.

It is just pure focus, determination and discipline.

This woman wakes up at 3:00 AM to run 80 miles per week.

Most of us are so adept at hitting the snooze button, but this woman surpasses that temptation because she has a road to tread on and she knows the direction to that road.

Her diet is simplistic and directed towards a stable health and physique. She is setting some standards for our Grannies, hun?

We feel honored just by talking about this woman. Even her grandchildren must keep all the bullies at bay.

But what really matters is how she dreamed about something and fulfilled it. You can only be successful at something if you love it inside out. And, Ernestine solidifies that statement.

She is like the mirage we all need that reflects only hard work, passion, and willpower. She is the name we need to store in our grey matter when anti-feminists say that bodybuilders can only be sweaty men lifting weights while wearing Speedos.

That created an image in your head. Erase it!

Dear Ernestine, we admire you immensely. Keep at it, you! Age should never be a barrier to your road of learning. Do what your heart tells you to do. Society can keep chatting away in the distance but what will matter at the end of your day is if you do not relinquish your dreams to a bunch of unknown people who doubt your decision or challenge your career choice.

So if you want to be a bodybuilder, so be it.

If being a Formula 1 car driver is what you think about, then put your seatbelt on and enjoy the drive!

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