Monday, July 25 2016, 12:18:32
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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

This Hospital Will Forgo Treatment Fees On The Birth Of Every Girl Child

  • JWB Post
  •  July 19, 2016


Sindhu Hospital, in Ahmedabad, under its recent initiative to encourage the girl child birth, will waive off all hospital charges and fees on the delivery of a baby girl.

The hospital decided to launch this initiative to combat the decreasing sex ratio in the state, which is currently as low as 890 girls per 1000 boys.

Over 100 couples have already registered for free delivery, and also,  the hospital will return the registration fee of Rs. 1100 on the birth of a baby girl.

No, that’s not it.

The hospital will also throw a small party for every girl child that’s born.


The Managing Director of Sindhu Hospital, Mahadev Lohana, said that “For years, the hospital administration had observed how people prayed for a boy and distributed sweets if they had a son, but a girl’s arrival would be met with stoic acceptance.”

“The trust decided it was time to celebrate the arrival of a daughter. The country and every community need to celebrate the birth of a girl,” he added.

Well, it’s with the efforts of such people that revolution of thoughts and mindsets takes place and the world changes for better.

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