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Avantika Singhal

JWB Contributor

This JWB Blogger Exchanged Books For New Buddies At ‘Book Barter Social’

  • JWB Post
  •  June 20, 2016


Trotting to Marriott’s Lounge 18 all decked up to chat with fellow book nerds was a celebratory occasion in itself.

Socializing is a part of what I do (MUN’s and occasional debating), and the place where strangers were chatting away seemed like my battle arena. I was pumped up on punctilious and gregarious juices. I was ready to talk.

The hosts of the Book Barter Social were two bright and visionary women – Shireen and Pooja. They explained that the concept of Book Barter was simplistic and fun.

Shireen (left) Pooja (right)

You bring a book along and mention that the book belonged to you by writing it on the manually designed bookmark. Keep it on the tables and wait for someone to discover your book. While you are at it, engage in conversations with people. It could be about absolutely anything. This event was a spectacular collaboration of LetsBarterIndia and TrulyMadly, a dating website.

It’s enthralling to realize that there are so many writers residing in the city itself. There is so much talent, ready to be spilled to the masses. I happened to meet some people that really did leave a mark, and I will find it tremendously difficult to forget them or what they are made of.

I ran into Gulnaz and Anubhav, who were a pleasant duo, all smiles and poking each other. Gulnaz runs a blog, but she is also affiliated with several IT companies as a freelancer. Anubhav is a content writer for three websites. We conversed about how necessary it is to be consistent in writing when you are a Blogger.

Gulnaz (right)

I also ran into a young French teacher, Mr. Kapil who is not an avid reader but he hopes to be one day. And when I eloquently introduced myself in French (Yeah, I know. I am so talented. I am kidding), his eyes lightened up like lights on a Christmas Tree. It was truly beautiful to watch and partly embarrassing as well since he started conversing more in French and I sat there confounded.

Hey, a girl knows what she knows.

Next, I ran into Prerna, a calm soul who likes to write about art. She also holds various talk shows about the meaning of art and how Jaipur needs more artistic spirit. She is a part of Jaipur Book Lovers, and you can get in touch with her through the official page of ‘Jaipur Book Lovers’ on Facebook.

Prerna (Second from right)

I met with two young entrepreneurs – Vishakha and Akshya, who had put up scented candles and earrings and were trading these at the social, as well.

I also chatted with Drishti, ex-MGD’ian, and our thoughts were very similar. She told me about a movie called ‘Into The Wild’, and I educated her on the concept of MUN’s becoming adulterated day by day.

It is both a challenge and a pleasure to hold a friendly and interesting conversation where both parties can successfully interact and derive Important information at the same time.

And my one liner explanation about why I haven’t watched Game Of Thrones seemed to make everyone laugh in amusement.

“See, I can’t sit through a TV show which shows so many boobs and war. I don’t think my tiny brain is ready for it.”

Well, one day, I will end up seeing Game of Thrones and appreciating its worth. Until then.

Other than this, there were two unique games to steer the crowd’s attention and in my opinion, highlight how strong women of Jaipur are.

There was a beer chugging contest (You’d think I went for it Ha Ha Ha, I am underage) and a strictly women arm-wrestling match.

You’d be proud to know that a girl chugged a beer in 20 seconds flat. Attagirl.

They truly made us feel comfortable, and their charm was very palpable in the room.

More than bartering, it was about socializing. An activity we have become slightly oblivious to, thanks to the existence of smartphones. But very fortunately, no one was ever seen using a mobile. People were strictly mingling and drinking from their tall beer bottles.

Hmm, tantalizing much?

Anyway, we’d like to extend a warm hug and oceans of gratitude to the Book Barter Social for inviting us and for radiating authentic positive vibes.

What intensified my whole experience was that I was completely alone, and that singular fact gave me a lot of bravery and confidence to saunter over to strangers and talk to them about what their likes and dislike were.

Everything was truly mesmerizing.

If you ever find yourself deprived of company, go talk to a stranger, tell them about your favorite book and how it changed you, tell them about your first pet. If they are decent and friendly human beings, you both will end up becoming friends in no time.

P.S Someone actually tried to barter 50 Shades of Grey.

Oh, my!

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