Monday, September 26 2016, 02:45:34
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Komal Panwar


You Should NEVER Mix These Skincare Products Together!

  • JWB Post
  •  September 2, 2016


Yeah, yeah. We all love skincare products. So much so, that we’d slather our face up with all of them at once and walk around looking stupid. Let’s face it, it’s true! But hey, there are certain skincare products that should never be applied together. 

  1. Retinol + acne formulas = Recipe for redness. The evergreen anti-ager retinol and most popular acne assassins like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide deactivate each other and cause peeling, dryness, and inflammation. If layering is the name of your skincare game, resist mixing benzoyl peroxide with any anti-ageing ingredient you use.
  2. Vitamin C + Alpha Hydroxy Acids = Acid overload and zero benefits. AHAs alter the pH levels of vitamin C and destabilise it, rendering it ineffective. Since both these ingredients are acid-based, you’re only going to get out of this with angry, irritated skin. Divide and conquer—reserve vitamin C for the day and use AHAs after the sun sets.
  3. Citric acid + anything = Irritation, irritation, irritation. You’ll find this sneaky culprit in a lot of skincare products. If you spot it on the ingredient list, don’t go binge layering on your face. Keep it simple with just this or avoid altogether.
  4. Retinol + AHAs = Redness followed by irritation, followed by more redness and a little more irritation. One promises to take you closer to the fountain of youth, the other gives you the glowing complexion of your dreams. Let’s face it, why wouldn’t you want this awesome twosome? Because you’ll end up with a cranky complexion, that’s why.

Source: Vogue

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