Thursday, July 14 2016, 04:32:13
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

You Will Be Shocked To Know How Much Food We Waste Everyday

  • JWB Post
  •  July 4, 2016


Could you believe that one-third of the food produced for human consumption lost or wasted, in spite of the fact that over 800 million people remain hungry every day?

If you think that this staggering figure only pertains to third world countries, then think again. According to the department of agriculture in the USA, over 15.3 million children live in food-insecure households in America.

Surely you can understand that despite being one of the most developed countries in the world if the US faces such problems, what would be the scenario in less developed nations. Apart from the fact that food wastage promotes economic disparity, it is also to be understood that it also leads to an increase in pollution.

Every year, 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases are generated as a direct result of food wastage. The fact that as a result of hunger, political tensions also flare up in several nations is another adverse effect of food wastage. The only way out of this paradox is spreading awareness about food wastage on a global scale so that people know about the implications of this phenomenon.

Here’s a good example as to how we can help the world understand the effects of food wastage. In March this year, UK’s largest grocery chain started to sell a range of ‘ugly’ vegetables called perfectly imperfect in 200 of its stores.

These vegetables were the ones which were wasted or remained unsold for days. This was done with the purpose of showing the world that how much food actually goes waste. It has also started a campaign in which unsold vegetables are given to charity so that wastage of food could be curbed.

And did you know that the Huffington Post is also launching a campaign titled ‘Reclaim’ for the purpose of spreading awareness about food going waste? Apart from holding various events to promote this cause, it will also try to convince the big supermarket chains to understand that how wastage of food can be bad for their business as well. This is surely a welcome initiative that was long due.

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