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  • She Says

Himanshu Roy

JWB Blogger

This App Will Help You Ask For A Raise At Work

  • JWB Post
  •  March 9, 2016


Do you want a raise in salary but have no idea that how to approach your boss? Well, no worries, because Crystal is here for your rescue. Oh yes, now we actually have an app that will help you get a raise in your paycheque. I know, the idea does seem impossible, but this is exactly how the app functions.

So, it is the internet activities of you and your boss that the app will monitor and try to generate details of their personalities. Based on them, Crystal will give you suggestions as to what are the areas where you need to emphasise when writing the much-dreaded email to your boss asking for a pay hike.

Drew D’Agostino, the founder of Crystal, says that it is based on the email threads of both the person in question, the personalities of both the persons in question are ascertained, and it is also deduced that what are the points that could generate positive or negative reactions.

You then get a detailed draft from Crystal that provides you with the phrases and points that have a chance of impressing your boss when you send the email.

Crystal functions much like online dating apps and its database are constantly updated as each user registers with it. Another advantage of this app is that with time, the data that Crystal generates will only become more accurate with time.

Of course, you can’t depend entirely on Crystal because of the fact that nothing can replace human brain and man-to-man communication. That is why ultimately the onus is on you to use the pointers given to you by the app and then with the details that you know about your boss, type the perfect email that can help you get the best possible hike.

So if you are one of those who feel that you are working very hard and not getting paid enough, then I would say that Crystal is the buzzword for you. Isn’t it quite useful to know a thing or two about what are the things that will help you to impress your boss? It surely does seem to be an intriguing idea!

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