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Kamna Mam: “Geography. Oh lord, I don’t even want to remember those days”

  • JWB Post
  •  September 4, 2014

To celebrate Teacher’s Day, here is another quick interview we did with another Jaipur based teacher Ms. Kamna Kaul, who teaches Art & Craft at the SMS School. People close to her describe her as an easy-going person who is always calm yet makes other burst out laughing. The interview intends to reveal Kamna’s other side, not of a teacher but who she is as a student. For that, we formed few questions that helped us reveal her mischievous side.

And soon we will be bringing you our special Teacher’s Day campaign in association with all-women store and the Palace School, Jaipur. In this campaign, we made teachers of the Palace School attend few fun curriculum classes taught by their students, each with a message for them.

Below read our conversation with Ms. Kamna:

JWB – So imagine yourself as a student. What discipline rule do you want to break?

Kamna – Would bunk the class!

[Funny it is, Professor Neeti Kasliwal has the same naughty mindset!]

JWB – Which class you would bunk?

Kamna – Art & craft.

JWB – But you teach this subject!

Kamna – That’s why. Too much of everything is bad plus the school bag will be too heavy with all the acrylics, crafts stationary. Who wants that! (winks)

JWB – and which is that class you would always want to attend?

Kamna – Science and mathematics.

JWB – How will you spend your day after bunking the class?

Kamna – Go to the canteen – my favorite place.

JWB – Do you have an excuse in mind to give to your teacher for not completing the assignment on time?

Kamna – ‘Mam, my papa is not well and I had to help mom with household chores.’ You see, sentiments related to parents are the key.

JWB – Most horrifying subject?

Kamna – Geography. Oh lord, I don’t even want to remember those days.

JWB – Your take on school uniforms?

Kamna – Uniforms are good. Atleast, you won’t have to think about what to wear each day. And don’t get me started on choosing the matching shoe and accessories.

JWB – We want to know how Kamna would tackle the bullying in her school as a student.

Kamna – I was a child in my school days. Nobody actually dared to bully me.

JWB – So you are a student and imagine boys flirting with you in the college, how will you react?

Kamna – If the boy is good looking, I will tell my friends to feel proud! Ha-ha.

JWB – Tell our readers, if you were not a teacher, what profession would you be in?

Kamna – Doctor.

JWB – And, what do you dream as a teacher?

Kamna – To rule the art and crafts world and walk its red carpet.

JWB – Wonderful! Did you enjoy the session?

Kamna – A lot.

JWB – We have one last question. Tell us, who is Kamna Kaul as a woman that most of us don’t know.

Kamna – She is emotional and thinks from her heart.

JWB – We can sense that, Kamna. You are a lovely person who speaks from her heart.

Kamna – Thank you.

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