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  • She Says

Report: Indian Women Online make only 3rd of Internet Users

  • JWB Post
  •  May 27, 2015


While the Internet is a part of the daily life for millions of Indians, there is a big digital gender gap that exists in India today.


The survey findings concluded that women in India are motivated to succeed for more than just themselves and see education and technology as key drivers for success. While a majority of the respondents were not working, they were driven and wanted their loved ones to advance with them and they didn’t see their gender as a barrier.



Younger women are keen to get online, and 32 per cent of all non-Internet users plan to use the Internet soon, and 46 per cent of non-users in the age group 18-29 are likely to use the Internet soon.

The main motivations for women to go online are easy access to information, entertainment and communications. But, barriers like connection issues, affordability and time are the key deterrents. The biggest barriers for Internet users are cost, connectivity and time.

44 percent Internet users cited not being able to afford to use the Internet as often as they would like. But for non-users, lack of interest is more of a barrier than cost.

Online privacy can be a key enabler and a motivator for women to get online. With an average of five people in every household, computers tend to be shared. 26 percent said they would use the Internet more if they had a smartphone or computer that they didn’t have to share with anyone else.

JWB Take: These numbers speak elaborately about the state of ignorance many women face in their own families. To cover this digital gender gap very simple steps are required. And we can start with our own mothers. Let’s take them online. Let’s educate them about advantages and opportunities they will have while being connected. Let’s take this digital gender revolution further with chachi’s and mausi’s in your own extended household and aunties in the neighborhood. Let’s teach basic knowledge about Internet to your house help. Are you with us?


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