Sunday, July 31 2016, 10:17:12
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  • She Says

Priya Motiani

JWB Blogger

Serena Williams Doesn’t Want To Be One Of The Greatest Female Athletes

  • JWB Post
  •  July 11, 2016


While people were too preoccupied with Serena Williams’ supposed nipple show lately, there was actually something far more worthy of attention happening in her life.

If only people paid attention to her words and skills than her body! *Tch tch*

Anyhoo, away with the wishful thinking! In the press conference that followed the Wimbledon match on Thursday, Serena was questioned by one of the reporters on being referred to as ‘the greatest female athletes of all times.’

Sure, that sounds like an honor of majestic repute, but Serena made some amendment to it.

Here’s how she replied: “I prefer the words ‘one of the greatest athletes of all time.’” 

And not just that, she made a few more empowering statements as responses to the questions that ensued.

“I would like to see people, the public, the press, other athletes in general, just realize and respect women for who they are and what we are and what we do. I don’t think I would deserve to be paid less because of my sex, or anyone else for that matter in my job.”

That sounds perfectly legit. After all, have you ever heard a male player being asked, what does it feel like to be one of the greatest male athletes of all times? No, right?

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