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  • She Says

Cyrus Edwin

JWB Intern

In Her First Book, 15 Y.O. Isha Fulfills Every Lilly’s Wish To Be Accepted

  • JWB Post
  •  October 17, 2016


We as humans are bestowed upon with lots of gifts.

Some are born with amazing dance skills, like me. Well! I would have been a dancer, but I chose to write. It’s for the love of people, you know *celeb-like flaunting*, some are born singers, like our Blogger Komal, some are good at hug-hopping, like our Dogger-in-chief Poppy.

Isha Sacheti is a 15 YO girl who loves to read and paint. Mingling both her talents, oh! and the art of storytelling as well, she has created a storybook for children named ‘Lilly’s wish.’

The book ‘Lilly’s wish’, as the name suggests is about a girl Lilly who… you know what? Let’s hear the story from the heart of Lilly’s creator, herself.

ME: Tell us something about the book and the character, Lilly.

ISHA: Lily’s wish is a children’s book about a little girl who feels that she is imperfect. Lily is always trying new things to prove herself for she keeps getting into trouble. It is in the end that she gains confidence in herself and starts managing things correctly.

ME: There must have been some writer(s) who had inspired you to write your own book. Any favorite(s)?

ISHA: Not exactly inspired. But I like Amish Tripathi, J.K. Rowling, and Rick Riordan

ME: And since the images in your book are painted by you, and you seem to have a passion for painting, any inspiration for the same?

ISHA: YES! Picasso.

ME: Why did you name the protagonist Lilly?

ISHA: First of all, I love the flower, Lilly. Its petals are intriguing to me; the color, the design is really unusual. Also, I know a person who has the same hair like that of Lilly.

ME:  When we think of the flower, we get the image of something soothing and calm. But Lilly as a person is totally different. Why this contradiction?

ISHA: What she portrays is not exactly what she is.  She pretends to be normal, but she isn’t. The name is just to do with her physical being. She is really confused from inside and thinks of her to be a useless child. But in the end, she finds herself and gains confidence, and that is when she really gets in the name Lilly.

ME: Lilly has a lot of fears. Like her, what are your fears?

ISHA: I don’t have a lot of fears but to name one, it would be Stage Fright.

ME: How is Lilly and you as a person similar or different?

ISHA: We are not at all the same; she thinks that she can’t do anything well and whatever she tries her hand at, she is not confident about it, whereas I don’t think like that. I know what my strengths are and I am trying to work hard on my weaknesses.

ME: Speaking of strengths. Would you like to make writing as your career?

ISHA: No. Not a profession. Writing is my passion, I do it for fun. But as for my career, I want to be a graphic designer. So that I can design more Lilly’s on my computer without going through the hazardous task of telling people to do it correctly *Giggles*

*OH!!! That means we’re gonna have another Lilly as well!* *Wears Sherlock’s Hat*

ME: One thing you admire about Lilly, the most.

ISHA: Her Cheerfulness. Whenever she was in trouble, though losing confidence, she never lets herself down and gives up. She solves all her problems, cheerfully.

ME: Why was Lilly always so problematic?

ISHA: Lilly, as a child was never accepted by the people around her, especially her friends. As a child, it’s really important to gain confidence in one’s own self, because if not so, the child, even after growing up, carries the guilt of being ‘different.’

ME: What do you think is the cause of this, the idea of being different and therefore not accepted by others?

ISHA: I think this whole ideology develops in our schools. The children who are best at something are the ones who are supported, and the ones who are weak are not celebrated but are looked down upon.

ME: How the book ‘Lilly’s wish’ would help these children?

ISHA: The book teaches us to be confident. It teaches us to speak up, and until and unless one does that he/she wouldn’t be able to come out of the closet. Also, one should really share things with others. People tend to keep things within themselves, and that’s what shatters them from within. We should always talk it out. Like I do every time *giggles*

ME:  How was the whole journey of promoting the book?

ISHA: It was a tough task. Asking people and convincing them to support this cause was tough. But in the end, I’ve got a really good response. The majority of people, whom I had asked, helped me in this.

ME: Were there any rejections? How did you deal with them?

ISHA: Yes! Obviously, there were. But I really wasn’t sad. I saw it in a different way. I never had the threshold of accepting a no to anything, but during this process, I learned to hear no. I am glad people did this to me.

ME: What about the funds that you will get through crowdfunding? What will you do with the extra money, if you get any?

ISHA: I will donate the money to charity. Also, I am thinking of saving the money for my next book, maybe.

ME: So how will you continue Lilly’s story in your next book?

ISHA: I will not continue the same story. But I’ll be keeping the character alive. There will be many additions to the book but with different stories on different topics, starring Lilly.

ME: Let’s play a game of rapid fire. E-book or Paper?


ME: Which movie? Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?


ME: Which book Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz?

ISHA: Actually it’s Archie comic. I have always dreamt of being living the setting with Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jug Head. Oh! And the burgers how can I stop thinking of it?

Clearly, the game has now become not–so-rapid-a–fire-round now.

ME: So, *getting back in the flow*

ME: Betty or Veronic?

ISHA: Betty.

ME: Why not Veronica?

ISHA: Because she’s flaunty; and I hate that.

You’ve got haters flaunty, I mean Veronica.

ME: One fictional character that you would love to live the life of.


ME: Okay then! You’ve been Bamboozled *In Joey Tribbiani’s Voice*

Having talked, we now know that the book is gonna be as interesting as the creator herself and we wish her all the best for her new books.

To know more about how to fund this book, click here.

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