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  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

Part 2: Jaipur Men Who Don’t Shy Away From Contributing To The Household!

  • JWB Post
  •  December 31, 2015


After part one, we are back with the other three “Perfect Men” and their stories. We’re sure they will leave you inspired!

Remember ‘The Cauldron Sisters’, and how our dear Ratika mentioned that her husband supported and helped her with the daily chores? Meet Rahul Bhargava, The Super Hero husband and a doting father!

Ratika greeted us with her ever sweet smile but little Tanay, their son, was a coy mister and ran away on his little bike.

Me: We know she is a working mother, so how do you help her?

Rahul: I am at home till 12’o clock, so I give a bath to Tanay and take care of him while she works. If our helper is away, I prepare breakfast and tea for everyone. And on days Ratika has big orders; I re-schedule my day according to her needs.

(The “dreamy girl” in me was yet again jotting down these qualities.)

The aroma of the food was enticing enough to drag us into their kitchen. It came as no surprise to us that Rahul had prepared Chole for the lunch.

We: Do you like cooking? What all can you cook?

Rahul: *with a big grin* I love cooking, especially Non-veg. And my secret is that I never use spoon or cups for measuring.

*holds his finger and thumb together*

 My fingers do the magic for me.

Ratika: He makes the best Bread Pakora in the world.

He tells us; he is a Graduate in Hotel Management, and excitedly showed us his recipe filled notebooks.

Seeing his neat handwriting, I quickly closed my diary.

We only left after they promised us a lavish lunch including mutton korma, biryani and some vegetarian for me.

Our next stop was Rahul and Mahima’s. When we saw their nameplate, we instantly felt that they are a one-of-a-kind couple.

Hats off to the duo!

We realised while conversing that Mr. Sharma was a bit shy, and the Mrs. was doing all the talking on his behalf. She proudly said, “Not only does he help me in the routine housework for 3-4 hours a day, but he also manages the marketing and online sales for my apparel store. He is a workaholic.” Mr. Sharma gave a small nod.

Mahima was boasting about his cooking skills and how she thought he was a better cook. And Rahul finally spoke, “No, that’s not true. You cook so well.” (Boys, please take notes, now!!)

Mahima then went to get Aadhya, their younger one. We grabbed this opportunity and baffled him with our questions. He humbly replied, “I have been doing all the daily chores by myself since bachelorhood days, as my mother passed away at an early age. I help my wife with our daughters, make breakfast for her, and above all, we work together professionally, so we are always supporting each other.”

And we saw Aadhya, shy like his papa, with her pink scooty, looking at him in confusion.

We all came out to the porch where he got some tough competition from Aadhya in the race.

Yes, we know they don’t look shy here. Apparently, the ‘DJ wale baabu’ song in the background had amped up their spirits.

We observed Rahul’s awesomeness when he came out to fix the broken bumper of our car. Can’t thank you enough, of course!

Like DJ’s? Their cool quotient and style?

We have got you the coolest one in the city, DJ Vaibhav.

Wondering? Aren’t you?

Ditto! Wondering and with doubts in our minds we began with our usual talks.

We: So you proclaim that you help your mother with her work. Tell us how?

Vaibhav: I work late at nights, and obviously, have late mornings, but I help her *pointing to his mother* for an hour or two with the daily chores. Be it cooking, cleaning, getting groceries from the market and the like; I do everything I can in my spare time.

I: Wow!! We certainly didn’t expect that from a DJ. (Uggh!! The judgemental I, Die already!) So, you were like this helping son, always?

Vaibhav: Yes, My mother was a working one. And so, my two sisters and I always divided the household work.

Vaibhav’s Mother:*interrupts* He is very particular about his room. He never let us clean it. He does it all by himself. But right now it’s a mess.

Vaibhav:*laughs smirkingly* It’s New Year time, and I am busy as hell!

We feel for you Vaibhav. But we get the hint, Aunty!!

We went straight to his room and asked him to showcase his skills.

Can’t deny that men look super cool tidying up their rooms!

Aunty was standing with us watching, feeling victorious.

We suddenly heard women reciting bhajans. Vaibhav told it’s his grandmother and her gang, and it’s their rendezvous.

Kirtan Gang with the DJ. What a fusion, isn’t it?


Let’s add up Y’all. With Ankush’s 2 hours a day, Luv’s whopping 12 hours, Vishesh’s 3 hours, Rahul Bhargava’s 5 hours, Rahul Sharma’s 5 hours and Vaibhav’s 2 hours a day, we get a total of…

29 Hours, in which of course, the winning hours are bagged by Luv Tiwari! We gift these 29 hours this year to the women, who shall get off work, or household, take a break, pamper themselves, and enjoy the year 2016!

Photo Courtesy –

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