Wednesday, September 14 2016, 12:30:51
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  • She Says

Ruchika Beri

Tarot Reader

This Friday Is No Ordinary Friday, Ruchika Beri- Tarot Card Reader Tells Us Why

  • JWB Post
  •  December 31, 2015


This Friday is no ordinary Friday. This Friday lies in the future. This Friday triggers an eccentric anxiety – a frenzy – arising from its ability to change everything. Friday, the first of January 2016, promises you a rebirth. It lets you believe that the units digit in the year numeral aren’t the only thing changing – something about you is changing. Regardless of how you’ve spent all your Fridays in 2015, last Friday permitted you to let go, to metamorphose into a new person altogether, to dream, love, laugh and fail again.

Your friendly neighborhood Tarot Reader, Ruchika Beri, and your Zodiac Sign, therefore, are cutting you some slack and giving you a sneak peek into how 2016 is going to be.

Aries – Eight of Cups:  2016 would be paving the path to let go of the past and welcome the new positivity. It’s time to seek higher right in your life in all aspects ranging from health (heal yourself), professional and personal. Some of you would also be traveling in this year to enhance your knowledge or rejuvenation. Couples, please work on rekindling your equation with your beloved. Take a good look at your finances, if you have wanted to change your job/career be mindful of the same. Gist: Let go of the negativity and give your life a new hope.

Taurus – Knight of Pentacles: Stability, that’s how your 2016 would be. Peeps who have been looking forward to grounding and stability then this year is for you. Be it your personal side or professional, you would be contented with stability (if it was missing), financial stability is also on the cards for you. Take a plunge in your relationship and go with the long-term commitment of your partners. Pay close attention to joint pain and headaches. Gist: Let the hope prevail and new doors of stability will open up.

Robin Wood Tarot Cards

Gemini- The Magician: “I will”, 2016 will be full of fulfilling your pending aspirations by your pumped up energy. Manifest your desires and make it happen, you have it in you. By focusing on your goals, it will be a cakewalk to chalk out your way. This year you would be extra vigilant and alert with your actions. Don’t ignore your ailments, harness the power of healing. Focus more on self-love before jumping into the relationship. Gist: Focus on your desires and manifest.

Cancer- Queen of Swords: Your friends who are an Air sign (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) would put things in order in 2016. Hehe, indeed a friend to cherish and treasure. This year you would be crystal clear in your ideas and communication. There is no stopping for Cancerians for sure. Also, you would have no tolerance for ambiguity in any form; you would be more freewheeling and lively. Keep a checklist handy in case you would want to have a particular set of people in your life. You would be beating your own trumpet (achievements) to get the recognition. Gist: Clarity in your thoughts and actions would take you places.

Inner Peace Cards

Leo- Seven of Pentacles: Patience and abundance go hand in glove this year for you. Leo peeps hold on to your horses as your efforts would reap results this year.  You would be focusing more on the bigger picture and less on trivial matters. On the personal front take some time off and assess your relationship with yourself and people close to you. A piece of advice for working Leos set aside some money for investment which will benefit you in the long run. Gist: Abundance is on the way.

Virgo- The Sun: Time to rejoice you Earth sign, this year will be full of celebration and positivity. You will be overflowing with energy and zeal. The universe is conspiring to make things work for you. Married couples can think of welcoming a new member in their nest.  This year you would unveil hidden facets of your personality. Business owners would be in a capacity to increase their business for growth. Some of you would be decking up your place with flowers and more colors. I am already loving it.

Libra- Wheel of Fortune: If 2015 was gloomy and hardship then 2016 is full of chirpiness and happiness. Yeah! If you are happy, and you know it then clap your hands Librans. Couples can expect a shift in their equation or change in the energy, a bit of roller coaster ride awaits you. Continue what you are doing right now and 2016 will surprise you with abundance and growth. And don’t be astounded if you get a new opportunity to improve your current situation. Some of you would be in a mood to take risk professionally by changing career, switching jobs, etc. Gist: Tables are turning in your favor.

Scorpio- Judgment: Rise from your ashes and live a new life. Scorpions who have been fighting legal battles can look forward to ending of this ordeal. Be watchful of your actions as you may be under scrutiny’s eye. Singles, it’s time to ponder over yourself and don’t accuse others entirely for their deeds. Professionally you are at a right place, and things would start moving ahead. Pay utmost importance to your temper and harsh weather conditions. Gist: Time to start afresh and seek a new meaning.

Ruchika Beri- Tarot encounters

Sagittarius- The Fool: Why so serious? 2016 for you is full of adventures and new beginnings. If you have been resisting something or planning to start a new then now is the time. Some of you guys would also be traveling and refresh your cells. Not literally. Singles would hopelessly fall in love, would do crazy things to win their love. Good news for dog lovers as you would be thinking to have a companion by your side this year. One can also expect loyalty from friends and family in needy times. Gist: Take the plunge and go for it, don’t be laid back.

Capricorn- Four of Cups: This year Capricorn would go into hibernation mode and would seek answers within. Some of you may also be having weird mood pangs that wouldn’t be taken in a good way by others. Good things await you personally, but you being self-absorbed, be extra observant and don’t miss out on avenues which Universe is offering you. Some of you would also be inviting self-inflicted ill health. Please don’t do that, stay happy and positive. Gist: Seeking answers within and getting stuck for often.

Aquarius- Justice: It’s time to maintain balance in your life, and 2016 is offering you that platter. Fruitful Rewards await you if you have been fair to your actions in past. Guidance is telling you to maintain equilibrium in matters of heart and head. Oooh No, the difficult one, being an Aquarius myself. Some of you would also receive justice- legally in the open matters. In case of health what you sow, you shall reap. Some of you may even undergo medication/surgery (if applicable). Pay minute attention to details before signing documents/agreements/legal papers. Gist: Strike a balance and be fair.

Ruchika Beri- Tarot encounters

Pisces- Three of Swords: O boy! 2016 surely would drive you crazy in matters of the heart. Committed peeps would find it hard to move on (current relationship) and would be clinging to their past. Some of you may even take a break from partner to figure out a fresh perspective. You may be disappointed for not getting what you have been expecting lately. Keep your sunny side up and take this period as a cycle that would come to an end. Gist: Be realistic and stay afloat in bad situations.

The secret to getting ahead is getting started, wishing everybody a blissful and fun filled 2016.


Images Courtsey: Tarot encounters


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