Wednesday, October 26 2016, 09:10:24
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Jayati Godhawat

JWB Blogger

Deliver A Baby With An App Now. Find Out How!

  • JWB Post
  •  January 2, 2016


Yes, you read it right. We came across an app that will help the health workers in childbirth and managing its complicacies thereby reducing the risks and fatalities related.

Woohoo! Amidst the ocean of apps launching every day, here is an app for woman healthcare.

The Safe Delivery app has been developed by the Maternity Foundation, The University of Southern Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. Here’s the vision for the app shared by Anna Frellsen, chief executive of the Maternity Foundation.

“It’s for the health workers who may not specialize in maternal healthcare, but who could be stationed at a rural clinic where they are faced with these types of complications. It also acts as a training tool for people looking to keep their knowledge fresh.”

She further explains,

“Three hundred thousand women and newborns die from complications during childbirth each year, and 90% could have been prevented if the woman gave birth with a skilled birth attendant.It makes sense to do whatever we can to give attendants the information and training they need, and as smartphone use increases, delivery of this type of training via mobile phones will be even more popular.”

This app is still growing and is functional in parts of Africa as of now.

We hope that the app is soon operational in India and other developing countries also, for there’s less knowledge and awareness about the advancement in the field of safer pregnancies, childbirth and deliveries.

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