Sunday, October 30 2016, 03:59:02
  • fatasstic
  • fatasstic
  • She Says

Cyrus Edwin

JWB Intern

See How This Brave Woman Stood Up Against A Cyber Blackmailer

  • JWB Post
  •  October 25, 2016


By now you must have come across the vicious circle of internet residents who harass others just because they are in the mood to do so.

However, this girl has not given anybody the authority to let her down.

The anonymous hacker emailed Taurna Awani, an Indian girl, now living in the U.S., that he hacked into her Google cloud data and accessed to media that she had previously shared with her boyfriend. In return for not releasing these to her friends, family, and colleagues, the man asked her to send him nudes.

Instead of getting worried by the anonymous hacker, she chose to worry the hacker herself by posting .

“As embarrassing as the videos may be ( they were sent to my boyfriend at the time ) I choose to stand up to this man. Instead of cowering down to his requests. I do this so that other women may take a lesson to stand up to bullies and low life’s like this and may get the confidence to stand up as well in case he is known to us and is targeting all of us, but we’re either too scared, ashamed or clueless in how to manage or handle such situations. I implore you to share this post with as many people as you know to get the word out.”

Nasty and Proud, eh?

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